Get Enrolled And Become A Certified Google Ads & PPC Expert

Personalized program for students, professionals & entrepreneurs. Weekend Classes. Venue: Salt Lake Sector V, Kolkata

Google Ads & PPC Training In Kolkata

Course Detail

  • Modules: 48
  • Duration: 3 months
  • For: Students & Professionals
  • Fees: Rs.20,000

Course Features

  • Self-paced learning
  • Weekend classes
  • Practical sessions
  • Recognised certification

Course Features

  • Work on live projects
  • 6-hour classes
  • 100% placement assistance
  • Classroom training

Course Features

  • Max 6 students per batch
  • Internship opportunities
  • Doubt clearing sessions
  • Interview preparations

PPC Skills you will Learn

Google AdWords

Google AdWords Search Ads

Learn online advertising with PPC (pay per click) search ads and make text ads appear when customers search online for businesses in a particular niche on Google. You need to select specific goals for search campaigns on Google Ads such as driving traffic to your website or increasing sales and leads.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping or PLA Ads

Learn about Google shopping for better advertising of your products through use of product data upload by merchants on Merchant Centre. Know more about display Google shopping ads and Product listing ads (PLA).

Mobile App Marketing

Mobile App Marketing

Create campaigns through the process of mobile app marketing that helps advertisers to reach their users at each step of their marketing funnel and try to develop effective PPC strategies for the ads accordingly.

Google Display Ads

Display & Remarketing Campaigns

Know how to reach out to your potential users with targeted ads through Google ads remarketing and display campaigns and engage with people those who have accessed your website earlier.

Social Media Ads

Facebook & Social Media Ads

Learn how to create ads through Facebook or other social media platforms to connect with new audiences by lowering your ad costs and bringing more traffic generation.

Ecommerce PPC Marketing

Ecommerce PPC Marketing

Get to learn ecommerce PPC, one of the essential aspects for businesses, selling products and generate instant leads as well as quality traffic for your campaigns.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics and Tag Manager

Know the process of defining and tracking of clear goals and the segmentation of the audience base. Learn analyzing data ao measure your advertising ROI and track results from ads.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing Page Optimization

Learn to enhance the elements of your website by using methods like A/B testing for the improvement of conversion goals of any landing page.

Optimization & Reporting

Campaign Optimization & Reporting

Learn to optimize PPC campaigns to improve the overall advertising strategy and campaign performance reporting for analyzing your marketing efforts.

Tracking & Implementation

Tracking & Implementation

In this introduction to advanced PPC training, we will teach you how to master upon the crucial elements PPC marketing. Learn to collect and analyse the correct user data before turning them into fundamental actions to make informed business decisions.

Certificates you will get

PPC Training Course Modules

Website Planning & Landing page Optimization

Learn proper planning for your own website with optimised landing pages.

Keywords Research

Gain higher ranks on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. with proper keyword research.

PPC – Google Ads

Learn the promotion of websites through our Google AdWords (PPC) advertising techniques.

Google Analytics & Tag Manager

Become an expert at collecting and working as well analyzing the multi channel data sources with Google Analytics tools.

Google Shopping or PLA

We teach you to promote your business online through Google shopping through comprehending online behaviors.

ECommerce PPC Marketing

Enroll now for achieving ecommerce marketing goals with proper tactics and increase PPC profitability.

Ad Copy and Web Copy Writing

Learn to develop and share bespoke and rich ad copies to catch the eyes of the audience.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Learn to use social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as marketing tools.

Display & Remarketing Ads

Learn how to with your audience through  display and remarketing strategies alongside the promotion of your brand.

Facebook & Social Media Ads

Market your products and services with online advertising on Facebook and understand customer behavior trends.

Mobile App Marketing

Know the marketing tactics for aiming to reach the targeted audience through mobile phones.

Reporting And Measurement Using Tools

Learn to utilise Google Tag manager, Google Analytics and Google Data studio along with other marketing tools for accurate reporting.

Our students’ reviews

Diptendu Maity

Kalyani Government College

The PPC Training course from Oxedent has helped me clear out all my doubts and understand the concept of online marketing in the best form. Thank You Oxedent!

Subhasish Purohit

Kalyani Government College

Oxedent has made me more self reliant. The PPC & AdWords course has helped me promote to higher levels of responsibilities in the job role of my company. I would not have been able to jumpstart my career again in digital marketing without the learning from Oxedent.

Sana Hassan

Digital marketing executive,
Gozo Cabs

I have taken PPC Training from Oxedent and I think the curriculum is one of the best. It is very supportive and structured and immensely relevant to today’s digital marketing situation. Really grateful to you guys.

Shyam DasGupta

Calcutta University

In 3 months of this course I learned Google AdWords, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads and how to create campaigns and optimize them to make them profitable. I learned planning website and landing pages that converts. I also had a chance to implement my learnings on live projects which helped a lot in understanding the ads platforms.

Enroll Today And Get Certified In Core Concept Of Google Ads & PPC

Frequently asked questions

What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?

PPC (Pay Per Click) is the umbrella including interactive marketing of brands. PPC or Cost Per Click involves marketing of products and services through electronic devices. PPC refers to the process of online advertisement where an advertiser would have to pay a specific fee every time his ads are clicked on. PPC covers a wide range of marketing actions and is one effective way of getting visits to your website.

How important PPC Is ?

PPC is definitely going to surpass all other maneuvers of traditional marketing. Everyone is aware of the fact that the world is rapidly progressing from the traditional way to the digital ways of functioning. People nowadays prefer consumption of online content hence PPC marketing strategies should be incorporated in your business module for making an attempt to be actively participating in pervasive and developing lucrative online marketing place.

Why do you need a PPC course?

PPC marketing courses provide you with different significant tools for targeting the online marketplace. This can offer a boost to the business for nowadays customers tend to prefer to consume online communications in comparison to traditional sales pitching methods. The PPC course will surely offer you a booster-shot for your career as well as your business. You will get to understand how social media works and how to build an online reputation with management techniques. Customer feedback on social network platforms can give you long term healthy relationships with your clients.

What is involved in PPC?

PPC involves the promotion of products and services via several forms of online media. PPC involves multiple channels as well as methods enabling a company to analyze marketing campaigns. It include search ads, display ads and remarketing ads that would be shown on web pages, social media platforms, etc.

Is PPC the future?

Yes, definitely. In today’s market situation PPC is done on all digital channels. Pay per click has been undergoing various significant modifications since 2018. The importance and effectiveness of  PPC is are far ahead than the traditional ways. We simply can’t deny the fact that PPC is one of the brightest futures of marketing in India. Endless opportunities are there and the scope of online marketing is limitless as it will evolve more in the coming years.

How can you grow as a PPC specialist?

PPC methods are quick, practical and efficient when compared to the other means of marketing techniques. Oxedent’s PPC training program in Kolkata is proven as a brilliant step ahead for PPC aspirants while expanding the range of their marketing expertise.

The course offers advanced concepts of PPC advertising across several domains and provides a hands-on learning experience. You will gain sufficient skills for thriving in today’s ever-changing market situation.

What jobs are there in PPC advertising?

Digital Analyst
Paid Media Manager
PPCAccount Manager
Digital Marketing Manager and Web Manager
Ecommerce Manager
PPC Search Manager
CRO Manager

What are the scopes of PPC?

There is an ocean of opportunities and scope for PPC specialists in India in the present situation. An individual can get hired as a PPC executive or analytics manager after the completion of PPC course in Kolkata with a salary of around 25K per month to 7 Lacs per annum. Experienced marketing professionals can easily get command over their remunerations of about close to 10-40 Lacs per annum.

Is PPC a good career for the future?

The demand for PPC managers has been rising over the years and the marketing profession is also growing quite remarkably. The PPC marketing career field takes in various niche employments which include social media marketing (SMM) and Conversion rate Optimisation (CRO).

Which is the best PPC course?

Oxedent PPC training program
Simplilearn Marketing Training
Indus Net Academy Training Course
White Hat PPC Training

What benefits will you get after taking our PPC course?

1. PPC is the most demandable skill for marketing professionals in today’s market situation that will help you get higher salaries. You will get many impactful roles in the professional world due to the soaring budget contribution to pay per click marketing.
2. Entrepreneurs get the most attracted by PPC marketing as a medium for reaching out to the right customers and prospects.
3. Relevant skills will be helpful to the students to kick start their career in PPC marketing.
4. The PPC marketing certification course will help the professionals to widen their skills and win mastery over online marketing.
5. Confident management and expert solutions to complex PPC problems.

Are Google AdWords exam fees included in the course fees?

Yes, the Google AdWords exam fees are included in our digital marketing specialist training course. You will also get other course completion certificates after the end of the course.

What Are the Popular PPC Channels?

Bing Ads (Microsoft ads)
Google Ads
YouTube Ads
Facebook/Instagram Ads

Oxedent is a Google Partner

Not all agencies can do that, only the best ones achieve this prestigious status and well, we are one of the best. We have proof!

Google has analysed our skills, account performances and growth to determine that we should earn our place among the handpicked top agencies for Google AdWords management.

Google Ads PPC Training Course In Kolkata

The PPC Training courses are designed to help you master over the essential aspects of Pay per click advertising. The course enables you to learn as well as adopt all marketing practices connected with the digital sphere. This empowers the marketers as well as businesses for building marketing campaigns which is helpful for widening your business reach and target more number of audiences. This results in for the better generation of leads and sales. PPC courses are designed to help you attain mastery over the important disciplines of digital marketing which includes keyword research, Google AdWords, Google shopping, Display ads, Mobile App marketing, Remarketing, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and Google Analytics. PPC advertising has emerged as one of the fastest growing industries and disciplines in the world. This value of certification is enough to increase your value in the marketplace as well as prepare you well to achieve a career in the field of PPC marketing.

Why Should You Enroll For PPC Classroom Training Course In Kolkata?

PPC skills in high demand, and in this unique introductory program, you’ll learn exactly the skills you need to succeed in the field. We’ve collaborated with industry leaders like Google, Facebook, Hotspot, Hootsuite, Moz, and Mail Chimp to help ensure that you emerge from the program with a valuable holistic understanding of how PPC works, and why it’s so important. Multi-platform fluency and real-world experience are the building blocks for a successful career as a PPC manager, and this program is the ideal way to get started.

Job Prospects Of Learning Google Ads PPC

PPC has reached the point where it’s giving pose immense result for businesses. With growing opportunity, Pay per click ads brings a huge scope for the aspirants in a reducing job scenario. There are 20 lacs digital jobs predicted by 2020 and not enough qualified professionals to fill up them. This gives an exclusive competitive benefit to those who are studying PPC marketing.

They’re choosing an excellent career path where requirement exceeds supply. And which is a good move! PPC not only offers the additional edge to engineers, analyst, and management graduates. But it also helps nontechnical professionals to get an entry in the technology industry.


Graduates will be uniquely prepared to fill a wide array of PPC Marketing roles. These include: Paid social analyst, Social media marketer, Social media strategist, Digital marketing manager, Website optimization manager, SEM analyst, SEM manager, SEM marketing coordinator, Search analyst, Paid search manager, PPC Executive, PPC Manager, Google Ads Manager and Head of growth and acquisition.

There are hundreds of digital marketing companies in Kolkata, hiring PPC specialists.