Oxedent is a leading Google advertising agency that nurtures new improvised methods for ad campaigns to beat the competition and bring adequate sales.

Our core team offers top-notch Google Ads management services to help eCommerce businesses reach their sales goals. Our team of certified professionals has years of experience in Google Ads management, enabling us to deliver effective campaigns tailored to your specific business needs. With our help, you can drive high-quality traffic to your website, increase your conversion rate, and grow your revenue.

₹530+ Crore in e-commerce sales & counting...

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Happy clients
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₹3.5 Crore

Wasted budget saved
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₹530+ Crore

In eCommerce sales
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Average ROAS

Drive-In Real-Time Results With Google Ad Services

If you wish to increase your sales and grow your eCommerce business’s revenue, we will help you by creating and managing effective Google Ads campaigns that target the right audience, at the right time, with the right message.

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Keyword Research And Analysis

Our Google Ads management services begin with a thorough analysis of your business goals and target audience following which we conduct keyword research and analysis to identify the most relevant keywords capable to drive qualified traffic to your website. 

  • Identifying relevant and high-performing keywords
  • Analysis of competitor keywords
  • Refinement and optimisation of keyword lists
  • Ongoing keyword analysis and optimisation


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Ad Creation And Optimisation

We excel in ad creation and optimisation while cater to strategies that work best for your business niche. Our team of certified professionals will create and optimise effective ads that resonate with your target audience and drive conversions. 

  • Ad copywriting and creation
  • Ad targeting
  • Ad testing and optimisation
  • Ongoing ad performance analysis and optimisation
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Landing Page Optimisation

We focus on optimising your landing pages to ensure that they are aligned with your ads and provide a seamless user experience.  

  • Landing page design and development
  • A/B testing
  • Optimisation of page load speed and content
  • Ongoing landing page performance analysis and optimisation
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Bid Management

We manage your bids to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your ad spend. 

  • Bid strategy development and implementation
  • Ongoing bid adjustments
  • Performance analysis and optimisation
  • Budget management and optimisation

Want To Increase Your eCommerce Sales With Google Ads? Contact Us Now To Learn More About Our Services.

Why Choose Oxedent For eCommerce Google Ads Management?

Partner With Us To Take Your Brand To Next Level

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Certified Professionals

Our team of certified Google Ads professionals at Oxedent has the expertise and knowledge to help your eCommerce business succeed.

  • Cater to in-depth knowledge and experience in managing successful eCommerce Google Ads campaigns.
  • Stay current with the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in the ever-evolving Google Ads landscape.
  • Certified professionals with a history of delivering results for a wide range of eCommerce clients, increasing their revenue through effective Google Ads campaigns.
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Customised And Data-Driven Strategies

We understand that every business has its own unique features, and thus we utilise the best customised and data-driven strategies suiting your business needs.

  • We use advanced analytics and data-driven insights to optimise your campaigns for maximum ROI. 
  • Our team will work with you to understand your business goals, target audience, and budget to develop a strategy that works for you.
  • The team ensures to track and evaluate key performance indicators or KPIs for reaching campaign goals with maximised ROI. 
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Focused On Increasing Conversion Rate And Revenue

Increased conversion rate and revenue being the top priority, our in-house team of professionals incorporates the best foot forward through Google ad management. The team employs tactics for driving potential traffic to your brand’s website by primarily identifying the demographics and relevant keywords. 

  • Our campaigns are designed to generate leads and sales by creating effective ad copies that resonate with your target audience.
  • We monitor and optimise campaigns regularly, involving analysing performance metrics, identifying areas of improvement, and implementing changes. 
  • We provide regular performance reports that show results of your campaigns and provide insights and recommendations to help you make informed decisions. 
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Transparent Reporting And Communication

Keeping transparency is the prime agenda we follow with our clients, as we understand that it is crucial for you to know the whereabouts of your campaigns. This helps the clients to make recommended changes to the advertising efforts resulting in better sales. 

  • Reports include key metrics that matter to your business, such as click-through rate, cost per click, conversion rate, and return on ad spend. 
  • Providing tailored solutions to achieve business solutions – whether it’s adjusting your bidding strategy, refining your targeting, or optimising your ad copy. 
  • A prompt team always available to provide support when you need it while ensuring your campaigns are running smoothly without any issues.

Unlock The Power Of Google Ads For Your eCommerce Business. 

Contact Our Google Ad Agency Today! 

Dive Into High Potentiality With Advanced Google Ads Strategy

Stepping Up Your eCommerce 01

With Oxedent’s Google Ads management services, you can take your eCommerce business to the next level. We’ll help you drive high-quality traffic to your website, increase your conversion rate, and grow your revenue.

Incorporate customised and data-driven strategies designed to achieve business goals and reach your full potential.

Ready to supercharge your eCommerce business’s growth with a world-class Google Ads strategy? 

Contact Oxedent today and let our team of experts help you unlock the full potential of your online store with our comprehensive eCommerce Google Ads management solutions.

Start Growing Your eCommerce Business With Oxedent. Click Here To Schedule A No-Obligation Strategy Call!

Our eCommerce Google Ads Management Process

Take a walk through our proven process for helping eCommerce brands make their way to success.

Understanding Business And Goals

Our first step as an AdWords ppc agency is to understand your eCommerce business and its goals. We’ll work with you to determine your target audience, marketing objectives, and budget to create a strategy that will achieve your goals.

Conducting Keyword Research And Analysis

Being the leading Google ads marketing agency, we conduct extensive keyword research and analysis to identify the most relevant keywords for your campaigns. 

Creating And Optimising Ads

Our team of certified Adwords company professionals will create and optimise your ads to maximise their effectiveness. We create engaging ad copies that resonate with your target audience and drive conversions. 

Landing Page Optimisation

We optimise your landing pages to ensure that they are designed to convert visitors into customers. Our Google PPC management involves optimising page content, layout, and call-to-action buttons.

Bid Management And Ongoing Optimisation

At our Google ads services agency, we meticulously make the effort to monitor and optimise your bids to ensure that you are getting the most value from your advertising budget. 

Performance Tracking And Reporting

Our Adwords PPC management provides regular performance reports, including data on key metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on ad spend that show the results of your campaigns. 

Our Simple Google Ads Management Pricing

Slide to match your monthly Ads budget.

Don't fit into this bracket?

Industries We’ve Worked With

Fashion Apparelicon 02 01

Fashion and Apparel

Health Beauty 02 02

Health and Beauty

Electronics Technology 02 03

Electronics and Technology

Home Garden 02 04

Home and Garden

Sports Fitness 02 05

Sports and Fitness

Toys Games 02 06

Toys and Games

Food Beverage 02 07

Food and Beverage

Automotive Accessories 02 08

Automotive and Accessories

Travel Leisure 02 09

Travel and Leisure

eCommerce Brands We helped With Our Google Ads Management

Some Other Stores

Online Raffle – Pet Stores – Backpacks – Accessories

Personal Care

Personal Care – Decor – Rugs – Art & Designs

Apparel & Lifestyle

Apparel & Lifestyle – Decor

Home & Gardens

Home & Outdoor Furniture – Decor – Rugs – Gardening - Art & Designs


Case Studies

(Consistently Delivered 3-6X ROAS)

Our clients love us. You'll, too

280+ eCommerce business owners can’t be wrong… our PPC management helps convert more customers for less spend

What Makes Oxedent Unique From Others?


Other Agencies/Freelancers


Our account managers have a minimum of 5 years of experience in eCommerce ads management.

Other agencies/freelancers may have less experienced account managers or may not specialise solely in eCommerce ads management.

Scope of Work

We do not limit ourselves by number of hours, keywords, number of campaigns, or even ads channels. We do everything possible to overcome your eCommerce business challenges.

Other agencies/freelancers may have limitations on the scope of work, which may impact the effectiveness of the campaigns.


eCommerce ads management is all we do. We specialise in eCommerce ads management and do not try to do everything, which allows us to excel in our area of expertise.

Other agencies may try to do everything, which may result in mediocre performance in all areas.

Data-Driven Approach

We take data-driven campaign optimisation decisions and evaluate the campaigns regularly. This ensures that the campaigns are constantly optimised for better results.

Other agencies/freelancers may not have a similar data-driven approach, which may result in less effective campaigns.

Customised Approach

We take a customised and personalised approach to each client’s needs and goals, which means that the campaigns are tailored specifically to their business, industry, and target audience.

Other agencies/freelancers may use a more generic approach, which may not be as effective in achieving the client’s specific goals and objectives.

Transparent Reporting

We provide transparent reporting to our clients, which means that they have full visibility into the performance of their campaigns, including metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. This allows clients to see the impact of our work on their business and make informed decisions about their marketing strategy

Other agencies/freelancers may not provide the same level of transparency, which may create uncertainty and mistrust between the client and agency.

Continued Education

We invest in continued education and training for our team to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and strategies in eCommerce ads management. This ensures that we are always providing our clients with the most effectual and efficient solutions.

Other agencies/freelancers may not prioritise continued education, which may result in outdated or ineffective strategies.

Proactive Communication

We maintain proactive communication with our clients, providing regular updates on the progress of their campaigns and any changes to the strategy. This ensures that clients are always in the loop and can provide feedback or make adjustments as needed.

Other agencies/freelancers may not have the same level of communication, which may result in miscommunications and delays in achieving the desired results.

Get A 4X Increase In Targeted Traffic.

Increase Your ROAS & Revenue With Our Additional Google Ad Services

Run successful Google ads that will help you get more clicks, drive more customers and make them your paying customers.

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Facebook Ads Management

Social media advertising is an essential component of a successful eCommerce marketing strategy. Our team of experts is proficient in creating and managing high-performance Facebook Ads campaigns that target your ideal customers, drive traffic, and increase sales. 

  • Campaign strategy development and planning
  • Ad creative design and copywriting
  • Target audience research and segmentation
  • Budget management and bid optimisation
  • Performance monitoring and reporting
  • Ongoing campaign optimisation
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Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Boost the effectiveness of your eCommerce Google Ads and Facebook Ads campaigns with our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) services. We analyze your website and landing pages to identify areas for improvement and increase the likelihood of conversions. 

  • Landing page analysis and optimisation
  • Conversion funnel analysis and improvement
  • Usability and user experience (UX) enhancements

Note: Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is an integral part of our monthly paid ads management service. We do not offer CRO as a standalone service. However, we do provide CRO recommendations based on our expertise and experience to help improve the performance of your website. It is important to note that we do not implement the actual changes on your website. This is something that needs to be done by your web developer, but we can work with them to ensure the recommendations are properly executed. Our goal is to help you achieve maximum results from your paid ads campaign by providing holistic support, including CRO recommendations.

It's OK, go ahead and ask.

You Deserve A Better Return On Your Spend

Here are some frequently asked questions about our eCommerce Google Ads management services:

How much does your Google Ads management service cost?

Our pricing is tailored to your specific business needs and goals. Contact us for a customised quote.

How long does it take to see results from Google Ads?

Results can vary depending on your business goals and industry, but we typically start seeing improvements within the first few weeks of the campaign.

Do I need to have a Google Ads account to work with you?

No, we can set up and manage a Google Ads account for you.

How do you measure the success of a Google Ads campaign?

We track various metrics, including click-through rates, conversion rates, cost per acquisition, and return on ad spend.

Bring the New Big change in your eCommerce business niche with Google advertising. Contact our experts today! 

Taking The DIY Route?

Steal Our Proven Strategy

Not ready to hire an agency and want to manage your Google Ads by yourself? No problem! Here’s our proven strategy that you can steal and apply to achieve success on your own terms.

Google Ads Strategy For eCommerce Store Owners

When creating a DIY Google Ads strategy for your eCommerce store, it’s important to keep your business goals in mind. Consider working with a Google AdWords company or AdWords management agency to help you develop a strong plan. However, if you choose to manage your Google Ads on your own, these tips can help. 

Define Your Objectives

Determine what you want to achieve through Google Ads, such as increasing website traffic, leads, or sales. This will help you create campaigns that align with your business goals.

Research Your Target Audience

Conduct market research to identify your target audience and their interests. This will help you create relevant ads that resonate with your audience while take you one step further towards achieving your goals. 

Conduct Keyword Research

Use Google’s Keyword Planner tool to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for your campaigns. Focus on long-tail keywords that are specific to your products or services. However, you can always take help from a Google PPC agency for better results. 

Create Compelling Ad Copy

Write ad headlines and descriptions that grab attention and encourage clicks. Use clear, concise language that highlights the benefits of your products or services. A Google ads marketing agency can always be of help to you in creating effective ad copy. 

Optimise Your Landing Pages

Ensure that your landing pages are optimised for conversions. This includes having a clear call-to-action, relevant content, and an easy-to-use design. For help, one can work with a Google ads management company or a Google ads services agency for landing page optimisation.

Set Up Conversion Tracking

Use Google Analytics to track conversions and measure the success of your campaigns. This will help you identify areas for improvement and optimise your campaigns for better results. Meanwhile, if you face difficulty, a Google AdWords management company can aid you set up conversion tracking seamlessly. 

Continuously Monitor and Optimise

A Google ads management agency can assist you to make progress anytime. But if you wish to do it yourself,  start with regularly reviewing your campaign performance and making adjustments in bids, optimising ad copy, and testing different landing pages as needed. 

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